Navigating Corporate Exodus to Entrepreneurship

An Open Letter from “The Happy Girl”

Dear Everyone I have seen and run into lately,

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been the kind of person who likes to smile and laugh a lot. I love practical jokes and making people smile.  Everywhere I go, most people I meet, I would always hear something like, “You are so funny, and always happy!”  And the truth is nothing makes me happier than making people laugh and happy; that’s a fact.  However, it’s hard when the “happy girl” is not having a good day, not to mention a bad week or month.  Nobody ever wants to see the happy girl not smiling, right?

Well, right now, I am having a very hard time dealing with… LIFE.  I still love you, admire you and want to make you smile, but this little human being needs some time to cope with some hard times she is going through.  She needs to find herself again and recover from some pain that only time can heal.  Please forgive me if today I can’t be the one comforting you, making you smile or telling you that everything is going to be okay, which it will – I promise you.  But today, right now, I just can’t talk the talk; much less can I walk the walk with you.  But, fear not.  I know this is only temporary– It always is.

I still love life and everything it involves.  Even during these not-so-happy days, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I still can remember the days I used to pray for the things I now have, and that gives me so much hope.  I still sing, dance and write, because these three things have always been my therapy, my relief and my best company.

And to you, that sweet person I ran into by the elevator this morning and told me, “What’s wrong? You don’t look like your happy, bubbly self today” – thank you.  I wish I would have asked your name. Thank you for reminding me that it’s okay not to be happy all the time.  That even loud, smiley, happy people can have “blue” days and be a little sad sometimes, and I’m sorry for tearing up on you.  I just couldn’t help it.

There will always be tomorrow, amigos.  Let’s never forget that.

Much love,


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